Saturday, April 22, 2006

Having gone into hermit-esque hiding over the Easter weekend in an attempt to regain sleep and sanity (hence lack of blog, as not a lot to report!) I've slowly been emerging back into 'life' this week...

Good Friday was spent very pleasantly with FMB (who is as we speak now in fabulous New Zealand - jealous? me? nah...), with what started as a very civilised day of Scrabble, trivial pursuits and a home-cooked supper (goats cheese and baked garlic tart incase you were wondering...) and somehow turned into a random tequila fuelled delve into the best (?!) of cheesy 80's pop which kept going until 5am or there abouts....hence the need for recovery time!

I emerged on Monday to set off on a mission to find my cousin a 21st birthday present or two, which I managed eventually, and which will hopefully be a success - we shall find out next week!

Wednesday saw the most recent Recycle Collective gig - if you haven't experienced one yet, do make an effort to go next time (May 18th), to enjoy a fine evening of food, wine and splediferous music! This month's gave me the opportunity to catch up with the lovely Alex and Estelle, neither of whom I'd seen for far too was provided courtesy of Steve, Cleveland Watkiss and Leo Abrahams, all of whom were, as ever, on top form, the highlight of which for me (sorry Steve!) was Cleveland's superbly cool vocal looping wizardry...

Last night saw the usual post work drinkage occurring, but I was a good girl and was home before midnight, so didn't turn into a pumpkin...and was up bright and early this morning, since which time I've been a domestic goddess (of sorts) in a cleaning frenzy, alongside finding myself cooking breakfast for HD and how did that happen??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need to apologise, Catster, Cleveland was amazing - and since I sold him his Echoplex, and showed him how it works, I take some pride in seeing him play as well. ;o)


4:44 pm  
Blogger Dave Goodman said...

S'not like we forced you... :-)

5:18 pm  

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